Angioma Alliance 11th CCM Scientific Meeting

The Angioma Alliance 11th Annual CCM Scientific Meeting was held on November 19th and 20th, 2015 at the Liaison Capitol Hill hotel in Washington DC (USA).
Nearly 80 attendees with complementary expertise and interests encompassing different research fields, including molecular, cellular and developmental biology, human genetics and genomics, and clinical research, gathered together from the United States, Canada, Brasil, Italy, France, Germany and Australia to share and discuss the latest research data and to develop new collaborative efforts. Indeed, presentation topics of this two-day meeting covered all fields pertaining to CCM research, including genetics, animal models, proteomics, vascular biology, signaling, clinical, surgery, imaging, as well as the 2015 meeting theme, Reconciling Models in CCM Translational and Clinical Research.
The final agenda, including session and oral presentation titles and speakers, is available at the following link: “The Angioma Alliance 2015 CCM Scientific Meeting Agenda”.
As in previous years, Angioma Alliance has selected some young scientists to receive a Trainee Travel Award for presenting their work as an oral presentation at the 2015 CCM Scientific Meeting, including two young scientists from Italy, Eliana Trapani, a graduate student at the University of Torino, and Noemi Rudini, a postdoctoral scholar at the FIRC Institute of Molecular Biology in Milan.
In particular, Eliana Trapani presented a talk describing a multidisciplinary cooperation among clinical and research groups of the CCM Italia network that has recently provided significant breakthroughs into the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying CCM pathogenesis and the development of new therapeutic strategies (EMBO Mol Med 2015; Rare Diseases 2016).
For more information, please see the Angioma Alliance Newsletter Winter 2016 (pag. 6-8).
Cited references:
Marchi S, Trapani E, Corricelli M, Goitre L, Pinton P, Retta SF. (2016). Beyond Multiple Mechanisms and a Unique Drug: Defective Autophagy as Pivotal Player in Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Pathogenesis and Implications for Targeted Therapies. Rare Diseases, 2016, 4(1): e1142640.
Marchi S, Corricelli M, Trapani E, Bravi L, Pittaro A, Delle Monache S, Ferroni L, Patergnani S, Missiroli S, Goitre L, Trabalzini L, Rimessi A, Giorgi C, Zavan B, Cassoni P, Dejana E, Retta SF, Pinton P. (2015). Defective autophagy is a key feature of cerebral cavernous malformations. EMBO Mol Med, 2015, 7(11):1403-1417.